The Loan and Gift Fund
The purpose of the L&G Fund is to provide funds to churches for new construction and renovations and assist in theological education.
The Home Mission Foundation
In 1953 the NCLMM chartered the Home Mission Foundation as a separate non-taxed corporation for the purpose of making loans and investing monies raised through the Loan and Gift Fund and other sources. Through 2019, over 100 churches have benefited from the low interest loans. The HMF manages major gifts, bequest, charitable remainder trusts, and designated gifts such as Scholarship Fund for seminarians and pastors.
Support for Professorship at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
The NCLMM and HMF raised over $1,000,000 to establish the Professorship In Bible and Mission at Southern Seminary. Through this ministry we are able to help provide our future pastors with the best education possible.
Disaster Relief
As natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes occur, there is a need for volunteers to assist in the clean up and recovery. NCLMM encourages men and their congregations to assist in this time of need. NCLMM has a truck and two trailers equipped with specialized items needed in recovery efforts.
Master Builders Bible
NCLMM supports The Master Builders Bible Program of the National Lutheran Men in Mission. The bible with 20,000 questions for small group study, assists men in becoming acquainted with scripture while developing trusting friendships with one another. Copies of the Bible are available through the NCLMM office located at the North Carolina Lutheran Synod office located in Salisbury, NC.